practical workshops & tailored training programmes
aimed at your business thinking, writing & being
tailored training programmes
personal & professional impact
We’ll encourage you to stocktake, as well as stock up on easy ways to shape your personal professional impact - helping you take the lid off the more subtle ways impressions are made,
At the heart of all our work, one founding principle, to offer you more options around asserting your value and potential.…
write brilliant copy
We all know that presenting the facts in a logical order doesn’t cut it any more - that’s if it ever really did!
Understanding what gets binned or clicked is vital business information. Our insider know how will help you sharpen your writing pencils to deliver great copy, riveting speeches or persuasive pitches, proposals or press releases …
pain free Professional reports
The first challenge for professional report writers is to get their documents read. The second and third, that key recommendations will be understood and acted upon.
Blow the dust off report-writing protocols that haven’t seen the light of day so that your company’s reports are always clear, clean and effective…
public speaking & presenting
Excellent presentation skills are vital to any business, yet in our experience are absent from far too many.
Get shot of wooden delivery styles and be your most credible, clear and engaging online or face-to-face.
We offer challenge, personalised support and confidence boosting practice…
inktank: business writing support
five steps to great negotiations
We’ll help you tackle your most challenging scenarios and find practical win-wins every time.
And if the negotiation process, tactics or gambits used by others feels shrouded in mystery, we’ve helped hundreds of people feel more confident about how to move things forward when thing gets sticky…
refresh your business writing
If your inbox feels littered with documents that rival the enigma code, it may be time to parachute us in for writing support.
Poor professional writing is definitely bad for business and reputations. We’ll help you to think like a psychologist and write like a journalist, so you can feel more confident that your writing is good for business …
management & leadership skills
Good managers are able to ensure optimum performance every time, even from the most reticent members of their team. While the best leaders are clear visionaries who inspire their teams? So how do they do it?
We help your managers and leaders to shine in their vital roles, building their skills and motivated teams in the process…
graduate induction programmes
We have bags of experience of developing and delivering lively, practical and popular induction programmes. Since 2009 we’ve loved working across Europe with hundreds of bright sparks from Generations Y to Z.
Speaking of which, there’s talk of a forthcoming award. Watch this space...
practical skills workshops
creative strategic thinking
We don’t know who invented the first hot air balloon, but whoever it was had time to think.
Our practical workshop will help you fire up your ideas to find fresh ways to plot your trajectory. Focusing on your unique strengths and opportunities we’ll help you soar above the crowds and clouds...
create engaging presentations
Call an amnesty on bullet points and we’ll help you avoid being wounded through dense, dull or downright incomprehensible presentations.
Walking through clear steps, you’ll learn how to create memorable presentations that are as inspiring to listen to as they are easy to navigate and appreciate...
how to be your most influential
Can your business really afford you not to be? Amplifying the potential benefits or threats of doing or not doing something, are just two techniques that encourage people to buy.
Why wouldn’t you want to explore the practicalities of boosting your influence or powers of persuasion? …
train the trainer
If you’re reading this page it’s because, like us, you believe that brilliant coaching and training have the power to transform.
Like your training facilitators, we’re not interested in going through the motions, rather in giving and getting the best from ourselves as well as those we train to train...