public speaking and presenting with impact
Focusing on live challenges - online business meetings, high stakes professional presentations or public speaking events - we help busy executives crank up their public speaking credibility, sharing practical tips to help them be their most assured, persuasive and engaging.
what to expect…
what it takes to deliver truly impactful presentations or brilliant public speaking
how to work the dynamics of presenting to an audience
filming to identify natural strengths
self-help strategies including how to silence our inner critic
supportive feedback and the specifics of how to develop further
how to deliver clear and punchy messages applied to a live project
fresh ideas and inspiration on how to create a memorable performance
practise to engage audiences using case studies and the power of story
how to handle presentation nerves and challenging situations
how to deal with hijackers, disengaged audience members or tricky questions
better ways to prepare for high profile, high stake presentations
feeling much more confident
“...dynamic, exciting and actually useful, enabling participants to build on their strengths. My team spent two days with Julie doing an intensive workshop programme. During that time, she transformed my team of ‘shrinking violets’ into confident public speakers.”