M2: Writing with Impact

Writing with Impact

Overall Aim 

to help you to produce writing that is consistently

easy to read

easy to understand

easy to act upon

General Learning Outcomes

Over a practical day you can expect to:

receive feedback and clear tips on how to develop your writing style

revisit the best ways to plan for success

explore techniques to overcome writer's block

practise easy ways to structure your ideas 

find shortcuts to finding appropriate tone

know how to capture your core messages

understand how to hook and engage your readers

find fresh ways to breathe life into potentially dry subjects


1. Collect a few samples of your writing and bring them along. This is to help you to identify the strengths of your style – as well as to identify a couple of things you could approach differently.

Samples could include any professional writings you’ve produced thus far, including emails, info updates or presentations. Just a few sides of A4 are fine for us to get a sense of your writing style and strengths.

2. Choose a professional presentation you would either like to develop from scratch or one that you would like to polish up further. 

Be sure to bring one-sided print outs of each slide with if you already have a presentation you would like to work on.

3. Ask for feedback on the strengths and weaknesses of your writing. Make some notes - mental notes are fine.

4. Please bring your ideas along, as well as your laptop.

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