Assess your management competencies...

Management Competencies

Think about how you...

Manage self:

-          demonstrate emotional and social intelligence

-          demonstrate ethics and integrity

-          manage priorities

-          able to make and stick with decisions

-          master detail

-          willing to assume full responsibility         

-          a keen sense of what’s fair

-          doing more than you are paid for

-          self motivated

-          display drive and purpose

-          exhibit appropriate status

-          open to learning

-          manage yourself well

-          self-aware

-          adaptable / flexible

-          manage and lead by example first

-          creating a work -life balance

-          managing stress


Manage for the company:

-          lead and manage change

-          solve problems and make decisions

-          manage politics and influence others

-          manage risks

-          manage workloads

-          enhance business skills and knowledge

-          understand the market and how to navigate the organisation

 -                 create and exploit new opportunities, products and services

-          drive market leadership


Manage others:

-          communicate effectively

-          demonstrate empathy

-          put people first

-          inspire others

-          build self esteem

-          help people to grow and develop

-          encourage and facilitate self mastery

-          encourage responsibility and accountability

-          capture hearts and minds

-          create a culture of innovation and creativity

-          promote and facilitate work life balance

-          help people to manage and reduce stress

-          value diversity and difference

-          build and maintain relationships

-          manage effective teams and work groups 


What are the most important competencies for managers in your area of the business? Starting with the list below make a note of the core 5 - 8 competencies ...

                    -         flexible

                    -               entrepreneurial

-          able to multi task

-          diplomatic and nurturing

-          experienced

-           enthusiastic

-          knowledgeable

-          good at networking

                    -           values diversity and difference

                     -          sets clear targets

                      -               knows how to motivate individual team members

                      -                understands their strengths and weaknesses              

-               gives and invites regular feedback