targeted leadership coaching & practical training workshops

aimed at your business thinking, writing & being


As professional human beings it’s often personal agility that defines both your quality of life and business success. Supporting that ability to flex, we offer intelligent professional coaching for individuals and experiential training for businesses to bolster your strengths and value.

Our experience says that proactive people and companies thrive whatever curved balls come their way because they invest in their futures. We promise human and jargon free support with one target in our sights - to help you stay aligned with your unique purpose.


Happily, gone are the days when we used to coach overwhelmed executives at some secret breakfast rendezvous! Even so, we’ve never hidden our respect for those with the vision and courage to invest in themselves. We bring a wealth of experience to help you find your best options - whether you seek to focus on a specific professional challenge or refocus more generally on your personal ambitions. Now is always the perfect time. Why not find out if we’re the right people to help?


In partnership, we create and deliver dynamic learning opportunities to motivate and develop your workforce - the length and scope of which are naturally defined by you. Focusing on your strategic communications, we offer provocative training programmes and bite-size practical skills workshops - while our inktank expertise is aimed at sharpening your people’s writing pencils. Strong advocates of personalised learning, we believe that our relaxed style opens people up to the serious stuff - meaningful change.