Hands up - who thinks they get out of bed in the morning intent on self-sabotage? Didn’t think so. Yet how many of us start the day on autopilot - open eyes, fumble for alarm, check phone, read news, check emails?
Before we know it, we’re reacting to the external world - uplifted by good news or else hostage to whatever rubbish happens to be in our inbox - before we’ve even put the kettle on.
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Know the key competencies valued by your company and industry
If you want to climb higher, be very clear about the key competencies, skills and attributes you need to progress further. Know for sure:
What behaviours are valued and rewarded within your company or industry
What type of person is promoted within your team
What sets your company and its leaders apart
Where your competencies align with company mission, culture and values
How you currently display these attributes
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